About Jamaicans and their preferences.

Jamaicans are a unique people with unique tastes. They won't eat certain animals and it's hard for them to try new stuff. Here are some facts about Jamaicans eating habits:

  • Jamaicans eat eel but will not eat a snake
  • Jamaicans will never eat alligator meat (unless they have lived off the island for a while)
  • They do not eat snails 
  • They do not eat frogs
  • They do not eat their meat rear
  • Only Jamaicans from a certain class or back ground will eat raw sushi.
We like our meats dark and a bit overcooked. Red meats should be stewed or roasted until well done and very tender. No rear or medium rear meats. Jamaicans love a lot of spice and flavourings on their meats to mask the meaty taste, you know how some people love a steak with just salt and pepper, you would never get a real Jamaican to eat that unless they have lived abroad for a while.

Here is a list of Jamaican herbs and spices that are used every day:
  • onion
  • scallion
  • thyme
  • scotch bonnet pepper
  • pimento
  • garlic
  • French thyme
  • Nutmeg
  • Ginger root
  • Chillies (bird pepper. They are the mini version of the chilli pepper and very hot)
  • Bay Leaves
  • Pepper elder
  • Cinnamon
  • Rosemary
In recent years other herbs have been added to the list but these were brought into the Island by other people not indigenous to the Island.
  • Basil
  • Leek
  • Chives
  • Coriander leaves
  • Parsley
  • Dill
  • Coriander seeds
  • Cumin
  • Cloves

Welcome To Carolee's Kitchen

Hi, I am Carolee and I would like to share some of my recipes with you.

I grew up with restaurants all around me. There were four restaurants by my father's relatives and my mom owned her own. I have been preparing food for a very long time and also briefly owned my own little take away business in my community.

As a Jamaican, I would love to share some authentic Jamaican recipes with you along with dishes that I have prepared for clients, family and friends. I love Asian and Italian food so some of my recipes might be influenced by both cultures.

Along the way I will also be giving you cooking tips to help you along you culinary experiences. Feel free to ask any questions or comment on any recipe you like. Thank you for visiting Carolee's Kitchen.

Each recipe is posted on a separate page so kindly check the links on the left. Happy Cooking!